Macht Reading Buddies — An Inter-School Partnership

Tomer N. reads to his buddy. (Photo by Kelly Platzke)

By Dorian N.,
Seventh Grade, Krieger Schechter Day School of Chizuk Amuno Congregation

The Macht Reading Buddies program, first introduced in 2016 by Krieger Schechter Day School, is a program that builds relationships between students and encourages a love for literacy.

Once every month, KSDS sixth grade students travel to the Dorothy I. Height Elementary School in Druid Hill Park. There, the KSDS students read books to their first grade “buddies.” Books often come from the Dorothy I. Height Elementary School classroom libraries; however, during the holidays, each KSDS student donates a children’s book to his or her buddy as a holiday gift.

This program reflects the importance of stepping into someone else’s shoes for one day a month. Kelly Platzke, a KSDS middle school English teacher, says that this program provides important lessons.

“It is a chance for our students to learn about and better understand the life of students who attend public schools in Baltimore City,” she says. “It is a very important experience for the students from both schools.”

Eliyah B., a KSDS seventh grade student who participated in the reading program last year, says, “It’s a really great program that teaches us important lessons about an important reality.”

Though enjoying the program is one thing, admiring the school and its students is also important. Eliyah says, “When we first walked in, there was this air of confidence. The school [leaders] seemed very proud of their students and all of the things they were doing.”

Julian K., a KSDS sixth grade student currently participating in the program, notes, “[The first graders] listen very well. They’ll also tell you when they’re getting bored and what they want to do.”

According to Eliyah, the buddies seemed shy at first, but over the course of the program they significantly opened up to each other. She enjoyed watching the young children change over time.

Julian recalls, “One time when my buddy wasn’t there, I partnered with somebody else, and I was with him for one day. Now, every time we go back, he still gives me high-fives and hugs, even though I was only his buddy once.”

Overall, in addition to seeing change and growth in the Dorothy I. Height students, KSDS’s current and former sixth graders enjoy this program and also learn and grow from it.

Each different experience is a kind of window into a different world,” says Eliyah, “and each one changes a person and affects him [or] her for the better.”

The Macht Reading Buddies program has a positive influence on all participants. It helps the students see the world through a different lens while experiencing many emotions in the process. There is joy, excitement, and intrigue. Most importantly, it helps students mature and learn and from each other.

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